Red-Blue-Yellow Plaid Girl Dress
Red-Blue-Yellow Checked Girl’s Dress is designed with stylish ruffle details. It can be produced in the desired color according to the appropriate size and dimensions.
This model, which is carefully produced from fabrics suitable for your baby’s and child’s skin, is waiting for you to be the stylish designs of special days.
All favorite models are sewn in desired colors and sizes. You must place your order 1 month in advance, our cargo must be paid by the buyer.
Check out the Red Ruffle Detailed Girl’s Dress in detail.
We follow the steps below in the production of plaid girls’ dresses.
Pattern design of plaid girl dress: First, we design a suitable pattern for the plaid dress. We draw these patterns on the fabric on which we will sew the dress.
Fabric selection of plaid girl’s dress: After the pattern design is completed, we choose the fabric on which we will sew the dress. For the plaid dress, we choose the plaid fabric from fabrics that do not disturb and harm the baby’s skin.
Fabric cut for girl’s plaid dress: We cut the fabric according to the dress templates. We complete all processes as handmade.
Sewing: We move on to sewing the dress by combining the cut parts. First, we sew the dress pieces with the front sides together. Next, we add the sleeves and the shirt section. Finally, we complete the dress according to the collar and skirt sections.
Finishing processes: After finishing the dress, we iron the dress and make it ready.
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